This is the last calendar before graduation! I can't believe it is that close to the end of the school year. I purposefully didn't plan as many activities for this last month of school because there are so many campus wide events going on and I expect there to be several more hall events that the girls decide they want to add before school ends. Also, I think I may have sent out an earlier version of this to the parent email list that did not include Hannah's birthday. Sorry about that, but I am going to refrain from sending it again to keep from flooding your inbox.
As this year is coming to a close (only 37 more days until graduation!), we have to begin planning for next year. A big part of that for Juniors is choosing their room for next year. The room selection process begins for most everyone on May 3rd with the lottery for Singles, followed by the application for Doubles and Triples beginning on May 10th. By May 21st, all current juniors should be assigned a room for next year. See below a list of dates and some guidelines we follow in assigning these rooms.
Calendar For Room Assignments RLA Room Selection April 21, RLAs selected
April 28, RLAs rooms assigned
Single Room Lottery May 3, applications for Single Room Lottery available
May 6, deadline for Single Room Lottery
May 10, Single Room Lottery posted
Double and Triple Rooms May 10, Double/Triple Room applications available
May 17, Double/Triple Room applications due to SLI on the hall where you wish to live
May 21, All room assignments posted by SLI on hall.
Guidelines For Room Assignments
~Current resident living in a room has the right of first refusal (to remain in that room). Juniors who move into a single mid year will not receive squatter rights.Students could be asked to move if they become a disturbance to the community of the overall hall.
~Students living on a hall have preference for vacant rooms over a student from another hall (excludes singles).
~Students living in a residence hall have preference over a student from another residence hall.
~The SLI for each hall has the right to establish conditions regarding junior/senior ratio and/or the right to deny any student from moving to his/her hall.
~Singles may not be traded. If you enter the lottery for a single, your preferences will be honored if possible, but it is a lottery and by nature, you are taking a chance on receiving or not receiving one of your preferences. Also, if you are not happy with the single won, you cannot hold the single, attempt to get a more favorable double/triple, and then decide which to take. You must relinquish the single prior to applying for a double/triple.
~Triples must have three students in the same class.If at anytime the number reduces, a room switch will be made.
I hope that helps you understand the process for room selection, but if you have any questions about it, please let me know.
I would like to congratulate Reena Gupta and Catherine Thriveni on being selected as the RLAs for 3rd Bryan next year! I would also like to congratulate Karsyn Bailey and Jennifer Smith on being RLA alternates. All of these amazing juniors (almost seniors!) are going to help make 3rd Bryan even better next year than it was this year.