Monday, November 30, 2009

Thank Yous

I know this is late, but in the rush of Thanksgiving I forgot to post this sooner. I would like to thank the O'Briens for sponsoring our November birthday break. It was wonderful, and the girls really enjoyed it.
I would also like to thanks the Bailey family for donating 2 delicious danishes for us to use for our bedtime story the Thursday night before break. They were yummy and were a special treat for the girls.
Thanks again to all the parents on hall for their support. Please try to come out this weekend for our hall holiday potluck. Help give the girls a delicious homemade meal. Hope to see you all soon.

Flu Email


This is a copy of the most recent flu update email sent out by Dr. Barber to you all. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Dear NCSSM Parents:

The purpose of this e-mail is to provide an update regarding the administration of the H1N1 and the seasonal flu vaccines in our NCSSM Health Clinic.

H1N1 Vaccine available for all students – As you know, we began giving the free H1N1 vaccine on Tuesday, November 17th and continued until noon on Friday, November 20th. The vaccine is not given to a student unless we have a signed parental consent form. There were about 180 students who received the H1N1 vaccine on campus before the Thanksgiving break.

It is not too late - If your child had turned in a parental consent form but did not get the vaccine before the break or if the parent had not turned in a parental consent form but would like to turn in one now, please ask your child to go to the NCSSM clinic. The clinic staff will continue to give the H1N1 vaccine to the students when they return starting Monday, November 30th.

Seasonal Flu Vaccine – The news is not as good about the seasonal flu vaccine. Our vaccine supplier, Moore Medical, informed us that they will not be able to supply us with the seasonal flu vaccine we ordered back in the summer. Our business office and clinic staff have contacted numerous other medical suppliers without success. If you have already paid the $20.00 for the seasonal flu vaccine, we have your name and the business office will credit your account. You will have access to this information through FOCUS very soon. However, if you would like a refund, please let me know and I will notify the business office.

It was so disappointing to receive the bad news from Moore Medical. I hope your child can receive the seasonal flu vaccine at home which many parents have been able to do over the breaks. There is a possibility that the Durham Health Department could provide a limited number of free seasonal flu vaccines to our students. We would have to take the students to the Durham Health Department. I will let you know the process, if it works out.

Thanks and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thank You!

I want to say a big thank you to the Lan family for donating food for our exam snack breaks this week. Our daily snack breaks and stress relief activities gave the girls a chance each day to take a break from studying and relax a little bit. I hope everyone enjoys break and comes back refreshed and ready to get started on 2nd trimester. See you all soon!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Here is a copy of the November hall calendar. We really aren't here much this month.
A Quick Note:
If you sent me an email in the last couple days and didn't get a reply please resent it because I had some computer problems, and while I don't think I missed any emails, I just want to be sure.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween On Campus

There were lots of Halloween events going on around campus today, so I will just highlight a few of them here.
First off, on hall, we had Halloween Treat Bags from the Brownings. They were amazing! We had candy, of course, apples, raisins, Rice Krispie Treats, and Halloween party favors like glow sticks, fake vampire teeth, and eyeball bouncy balls. All the girls got one (for those who were at home this weekend, I left it in their room for them), and everyone seemed to enjoy the special treat. A HUGE thanks to the Brownings for the threat bags.
We also had Halloween brownies from our faculty hall parent, Dr. Teachey on hall today. They were yummy and had little pumpkin candies on them. Thanks, Dr. Teachey!
And, last but not least, we had a scary movie marathon on hall. The girls watched "The Ring" and "The Eye". I did not, because I don't like scary movies.
As for campus activities, they started off early this morning with an Open House on campus where interested sophomores got to visit the campus. Lots of the students were up early to help out with this event.
Tonight, the school had its annual Halloween Dance, which had a Harry Potter theme. Most of the students came in costume to enjoy yummy halloween treats donated by parents and to dance the night away. Many of the girls on hall dressed up and attended. I believe I saw a bunny, 2 cats, a ninja, a pirate, Doug Funny, Hannah Montana, and an SLI. And those are just the ones I happened to see...Hopefully pictures of some girls in their costumes will follow.
After the Halloween Dance, there was an SAB lock-in in the PEC. They showed movies, had games set up, and just generally partied the night away.
Looking to next week, the girls will be having exams and looking forward to trimester break. We will be having study breaks each exam night, and will also be doing stress relief activities. Hopefully the girls will all stay healthy and relativly stress-free through exam week.