Monday, August 23, 2010

NYT Article

Hey Parents,
There was an interesting article in today's New York Times about how some colleges are going to new lengths to separate parent from their children on move in day, and how parents seem to be having a harder and harder time "letting go" and giving their children freedom.  It was a quick, interesting read and I would love to hear what you all think about the changes these colleges are making.  Having just gone through leaving a child at school, do you think any of the measures these school take would have helped you or would they have made it harder?

1 comment:

  1. I think the way NCSSM approached the separation process was well done. We understood the expectations regarding arrival time, getting settled, meeting with various campus personnel and departure. The measures that some of the colleges use mirrored what NCSSM already does. We, as parents, trust that procedures are in place at NCSSM to protect our children at this stage in their lives, in addition to giving them opportunities to develop independence and social skills. There doesn't seem to be that level of support for incoming college freshman on most campuses. I don't blame parents for not wanting to 'let go' in some cases.
